Through the collaboration, we are interested to expand the already gained multiannual experience of each partner on Sociocultural Actions for enhancing solidarity and social skilfulness and empower the European interaction and communication in issues concerning inter-cultural education and the logic of the “new commons”, as well as the critical arousal for our common European identity.
The partners have met one or more of the following conditions:
a. To be active in the field of Youth
b. To have diversified experience in involving Youth and especially those with less possibilities in non-formal and informal learning
c. To have a different area of specialization in the various learning environments which consist the program and deal with Youth.
d. To come from different European countries, with proven practical experience on Sociocultural actions
e. To face a variety of learning problems due to their geographical and social distribution

The Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports ( will support the Multilingualism Festivals, disseminate project to public authorities and will advise on policy reform document.
Lambrakis Foundation (, a non-profit research and development private institution of public interest, will work in the evaluation and dissemination of project’s results. The Foundation serves the common good by undertaking research, studies, pilot projects, training and awareness activities in critical areas for Greece and Europe and by creating educational resources. Through the years, the Lambrakis Foundation has built an extended local network of expert consultants and research fellows and has monitored state-of-the-art practice at international level via its involvement in joint projects, mainly with European partners. The Foundation’s partnerships include European and international organisations (e.g. the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, the European University Association, the European Distance Education Network, the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities, the European SchoolNet, the European Parents Association) as well as ministries, national education agencies, universities, research centres, museums and private sector partners, mainly from the media and ICT industry (companies and associations such as the eLearning Industry Group). Moreover, it has set up and maintains the portal, serving the evolving needs of the Greek educational community, and the portal to serve the needs of the growing migrant community and policymakers in Greece.
ANTIGONE ( Information and Documentation Center on Racism, Ecology, Peace and Non Violence, a non-profit organisation will play an advisory role on Policy Reform output by giving its ideas and opinions for the produced document. Furthermore, it will contact the results to opinion makers. ANTIGONE develops activities on anti-racism and non-discrimination, human rights, social ecology, peace and non-violent conflict resolution. The aim of the organisation is the promotion of equal opportunities for all without any discrimination -e.g. on the basis of sex, race, national origin, social/economic/educational status, disability, age, religion etc.
Webradio (, a non-profit web radio, will produce high-quality level broadcasting shows of speech, articles and a series of cultural and social actions for the Multilingualism Fests presenting the idea and the organized events of volunteers, as well as a series of interviews with Youth workers and young volunteers for the purpose of the project. targets at a broad field of listeners within and outside the borders of Greece that form a community which interacts creatively through the social media. The web radio aims to promote all good practices and initiatives that emerge from active citizenship, education, art, culture, science, economy, as well as, any other field that can enrich the principles of solidarity among people.
“European School Radio(ESR)” (, the first student radio for all school levels, will produce high-quality level broadcasting shows of speech, articles and a series of cultural and social actions for the Multilingualism Fests presenting the idea and the organized events of volunteers, as well as a series of interviews with teachers and students for the purpose of the project and the Multilingualism Festival. The ESR is implemented by a large network of associated schools, now more than 160 schools in Greece and 8 in Europe. It is on air 24 hours 365 days a year with scheduled music and broadcasts programme.
Taula del Tercer Sector ( will disseminate effective the process and project’s results. Taula del Tercer Sector represents all social organizations in Catalonia. It encloses 35 federations and organizations of the Third Sector Social of Catalonia, which bring together and represent more than 3,000 non-profit social organizations. It declared a Public Utility entity.
Sociedad Cultural Juvenil Rocket Project (, will disseminate effectively the process and the results of the project. It is one of the most consolidated, most active and most historic spaces for young people in Barcelona.
The University of Barcelona ( will work with University Pompeu Frabra and the University of Thessaly in documenting and validating the learning pathways of Multilingual festivals. It is also will disseminate the project and the results of the project through its communication channels. The UB is the most formidable public institution of higher education in Catalonia. The UB is also the principal centre of university research in Spain and has become a European benchmark for research activity.