El Ayuntamiento de Tesalónica en colaboración con DEPTHE (Empresa Municipal de Información, Espectáculo y Comunicación) organiza el 7 ° Festival Multilingüe del 13 de mayo de 2019 al 19 de mayo de 2019 que tendrá lugar en el Ayuntamiento de Tesalónica y otros lugares. El 7º Festival de Multilingüismo forma parte del Programa Europeo ERASMUS+ SLYMS (Aprendizaje Sociocultural para Jóvenes en Sociedades de Movilidad).
El festival cuenta con el apoyo de la Municipalidad de Tesalónica, Universidades y Organizaciones Sociales, Ministerio de Cultura, ONG, Consulados, comunidades no hablantes, instituciones educativas, etc., que organizarán y presentarán 217 actividades, como eventos teatrales y musicales, proyectos educativos, programas de investigación, talleres multilingües e interculturales, mesas redondas, la gastronomía de los pueblos, Café Multilingüe, exposiciones de arte, talleres de arte y música, proyecciones, etc. Más de 300 personas participan en el evento de este año
El Festival del Multilingüismo es un modelo educativo de siete días para los ciudadanos.
Monday, May 13, 2019
Other Places
10:00-12:00 Spartis 9 ARSIS Social Organization for Youth Support
Title: menthrys writing characters MWC
15: 00-17: 00 Spartis 9 ARSIS Social Organization for Youth Support
Title: “Neighborhoods of the World”
17: 00-18: 30 Nea Paralia Park ARSIS Social Organization for Youth Support
Title: Sports on the road: Basket
18: 00-19: 30 Goethe-Institut Thessaloniki Goethe-Institut Thessaloniki
Title: Mystery in Düsseldorf: What happened to Mrs. Katrin?
17: 00-17: 30 Manolis Anagnostakis Hall 1st High School of Echedoros (Sindos)
Title: Love on the ship of poetry travels
18: 00-19: 00 Manolis Anagnostakis Hall Georgians of Thessaloniki / Thessaloniki Georgia
Title: Georgian language, language skills and culture
18: 30-19: 30 Manolis Anagnostakis Hall Basketball Team ARIS (Outdoor)
Title: basketball unites
19: 00-19: 30 Manolis Anagnostakis Hall GS Railway THE THERMAIKOS
Title: Choir Music
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Other Places
15: 00-17: 00 Spartis 9 ARSIS Social Organization for Youth Support
Title: “Neighborhoods of the World”
18: 00-19: 30 Goethe-Institut Thessaloniki Goethe-Institut Thessaloniki
Title: Mystery in Düsseldorf: What happened to Mrs. Katrin?
17: 00-18: 00 Manolis Anagnostakis Hall Hellenic-Arab Friendship Association
Title: The importance of learning the mother tongue
18: 00-20: 00 Manolis Anagnostakis Hall Greek Language Center
Title: Multilingual school reality and learning material
20: 00-20: 30 Manolis Anagnostakis Hall Nikolaos Markou
Title: The “Kolovos” Method in foreign languages
20: 30-22: 00 Manolis Anagnostakis Hall Round Table on the subject of the visual arts in Thessaloniki
Title: The visual arts as a language of expression. The art of Thessaloniki
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Other Places
18:00 Port of Thessaloniki, Warehouse D. INTERFACE Informal Multilingualism and Cultures Contact Group
Title: Tea with multilingual aroma
18: 00-19: 00 Port of Thessaloniki, Warehouse D. ARSIS Social Organization for Youth Support
Title: Bangladesh through the eyes of Islam Port of Thessaloniki,
18: 30-19: 00 Port of Thessaloniki, Warehouse D ARSIS Social Organization for Youth Support
Title: “Our voices became one”
19:00 Villa Petridi Anagenniseos 10 BD Municipal Community of the Municipality of Thessaloniki, Association of Old Students and Friends of the French Institute of Thessaloniki, Association of Albanian Immigrants of Thessaloniki “Mother Teresa” and Association of Old Students and Friends of the French Institute of Thessaloniki NOUVELLE AMICALE
Title: Recitation of poems by K. Cavafy
Thursday, May 16, 2019
15: 00-17: 00 Spartis 9 ARSIS Social Organization for Youth Support
Title: “Neighborhoods of the World” Description: Construction with cardboard
19:00 Agnostou Stratiotou 5, Greek-Azerbaijani Friendship Association ” QALA ”
Title: Presentation dedicated to the 650th anniversary of the greatest poet of Azerbaijan Imadaddin Nasimi Center
10: 00-13: 00 Manolis Anagnostaki Hall 4th High School of Stavroupolis, 1st High School of Evosmos, Experimental School of the University of Thessaloniki, 2nd High School of Thessaloniki, 1st and 2nd High School of Ano Toumpa and 2nd High School of Toumpa
Title: Giochiamo in Italiano
17: 00-19: 00 Manolis Anagnostaki Hall Municipality of Thessaloniki – Active MICE Mouzenidis Group
Title: The Russian language from theory to practice: 6 years of operation of the program
19:00 Manolis Anagnostaki Hall Municipality of Thessaloniki
Friday, May 17, 2019
Other places
Morning Grigoriou Koloniari 15 12th High School of Thessaloniki
Title: Music in the customs and traditions of peoples and tribes
09: 00-13: 15 Anagnostopoulou 5, Athens Lampraki Foundation
Title: The Language of Our New Planet
17:00 2 Stratou Ave. Museum of Byzantine Culture
Title: Thematic tour
18: 00-19: 30 AUTh – Near ARSIS Theological School Social Organization for Youth Support
Title: Street Sports: Parkour
Outdoor amphitheater
Title: Mayor’s greeting
17: 15-17: 45 Georgians of Thessaloniki / Thessaloniki Georgia
Title: Georgian Corners and Traditions National traditions are depicted in dance. Description: Dances that talk about Georgian corners, historical events and heroes.
17: 45-18: 00 General High School of Intercultural Education of Eastern Thessaloniki
Title: A folk song becomes a theatrical image
18: 00-18: 15 Stavroupolis Creative Employment Center, Municipality of Pavlos Mela
Title: Traditional Greek Music The percussion orchestra of the Creative Center
18: 15-18: 45
Title: A parachute trip
18: 45-19: 15 Georgians of Thessaloniki / Thessaloniki Georgia
Title: Georgian dances and songs
19: 15-19: 45 2nd Kindergarten of the Prefecture of Magnesia
Title: I travel to Macedonia through dances
20: 30-21: 00 Consulate General of Turkey in Thessaloniki
Title: Music-Dance event by the Association of Folklore Studies Canakkale (CAFAD)
Foyer – Indoor stage
18: 00-18: 15 Loretta Spacho / Eleni Bantiou
Title: A Song in Two Languages (Greek-Albanian)
18: 15-18: 45 “The Smile of Nikopolis”
Title: Song and Dance
18: 45-19: 00 1st EPAL of Kalamaria
Title: The different colors of music Musical fairy tale.
19: 00-20: 00
“Alkyoni” Refugee Day Center – Ecological Movement of Thessaloniki
Title: I dreamed of a nest…
20: 00-22: 00
Italian Educational Institute of Athens & Dante Alighieri Salonicco
Title: Screening of the Italian film “Io e Te”
17: 00-18: 00 INTERFACE Informal Multilingualism and Cultures Contact Group
Title: Interviews – Newspapers Interview with parents and children about their language and their experiences in relation to their place and their life here.
18: 00-19: 00 IsraAID Hellas – Be A Robin
Title: Self Care & Aesthetics by Sindos CC
18: 00-19: 00 KEDITH – Experiential workshops of intercultural character
Title: Playing with children
19: 00-19: 30 Greek-Azerbaijani Friendship Association ” QALA ”
Title: Azerbaijani mugham folk music
19: 30-19: 45 Pedagogical School of the University of Ioannina
Title: Sustainability workshops by students of the Pedagogical School
19: 45-20: 15 Speak Foreign Language Center
Title: TEPELE – Presentations in Spanish
At the same time, the audience gets in touch with the Spanish language, its structure and the way it is learned.
20: 15-21: 00 Greek-Azerbaijani Friendship Association ” QALA ”
Title: Journey to the Land of Fire
21: 00-22: 00 IsraAID Hellas – Be A Robin
Title: The body as a language
Multilingual cafe in the Multilingual village
17: 00-17: 30 ΑΡΣΙΣ Κ.Ο.Υ.Ν. – Temporary Accommodation Structure for Unaccompanied Minor Refugees – ASSEMBLY Hotel
Title: Persian Words in the Greek Language
17: 30-18: 00 ARSIS Social Organization for Youth Support
Title: “A funny story” Puppet Theater
18: 00-19: 00 Action Art
Title: Traditions for Spring by the peoples of the world
20: 15-21: 15 ARPEGGIO COINSEP
Title: Babylon Multilingual Games
17: 00-19: 00 ARSIS Social Organization for Youth Support
Title: Mobile School and Non-Formal Education
Water Room
17: 00-17: 45 ΚΕΔΗΘ
Title: The European Youth Policies and the KEDITH Description:.
18: 00-19: 00 Elena Salpiggidou
Title: “I speak differently, I communicate differently”
19: 00-20: 00 1st EPAL of Evosmos (Erasmus + KA1)
Title: “Bilingual students in Vocational High School”
20: 00-22: 00 Cultural – Spiritual Association “KORAIS”
Title: Screening of excerpts from the World Musical Choir Festival
City Council Hall
17: 00-19: 00 UNICEF
Title: “The importance of languages of origin. Challenges in the new multicultural reality”
9: 00-20: 30 Round table on the subject of censorship in art.
Title: The reception of art by the public. Aspects of censorship in works of art
20: 30-22: 00 Hala education – Non-Profit Company
Title: Introduction to Arabic
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Outdoor amphitheater
17: 00-17: 30 Ukrainian Community of Northern Greece “Tzerelo-Pigi”
Title: Ukrainian spring music
17: 30-17: 45 Consulate of Cyprus
Title: Musical performance with the children of the 2nd Primary School of Polichni Description: Music of the world: Cyprus
17: 45-18: 15 Georgians of Thessaloniki / Thessaloniki Georgia
Title: Georgian dances and songs
18: 15-18: 45 Georgians of Thessaloniki / Thessaloniki Georgia
Title: Georgian Corners and Traditions
18: 45-19: 00 Charilaou Residents Social Association
Title: Traditional Dances
19: 00-19: 15 Palestinian community of Thessaloniki
Title: Traditional Palestinian songs
19: 15-19: 45 Serbian-Greek cooperation in music – Serbian School “Agios Savvas”
Title: With love from Serbia
19: 45-20: 15 “The Panthermic Smile”
Title: Songs in different languages Description: Songs and dance.
20: 15-20: 45 “The Smile of Nikopolis”
Title: Foreign and Greek Songs
20: 45-21: 00 Imbrian Union of Macedonia Thrace
Title: Dances from Imvros
21: 00-21: 30 Association of Friends of Cretan Tradition Xasteria Thermi
Title: Xenobassaris eagle in Crete wanders
21: 30-22: 00 Lighthouse Music band
Title: Music Program
Foyer Indoor tent
10: 00-12: 00 Italian Educational Institute of Athens & Dante Alighieri Salonicco
Title: Screening of the Italian film “Come Dio Comanda” Description: Screening of the Italian film “Come Dio Comanda”.
12: 00-13: 00 Progress Association
Title: Children and technology
13: 00-14: 00 Ya Impro Improv
Title: Comedy Games
17: 00-17: 30 Consulate of Cyprus
Title: View video for the Folklore of Cyprus Description: View video for the Folklore of Cyprus.
17: 30-18: 00 Second Tree
Title: A traditional musical performance
18: 00-18: 45 63rd Board of Directors of THESSALONIKI
Title: “Children Sing for Peace”
Description: Children sing for peace in Albanian, Chinese, Arabic, Georgian, Turkish, English and German.
19: 00-20: 00 Anatolia Cultural Center – Bridge, Departments of Italian
Title: Pensare all italiano
20: 00-20: 45 Georgians of Thessaloniki
Title: A song in one hundred languages
20: 45-21: 00 “East Traces” Study and Dissemination Group of Asia Minor Culture
Title: Dance Ensemble
21: 00-21: 30 The Congo community in Northern Greece
Title: Music – poems with the voice of Africans
21: 30-22: 00 View Helder Luiz Sandos (Portugal) Title: Les photos de partout !!!
10: 00-11: 00 2nd Experimental High School of Thessaloniki
Title: We design the multilingual map of Thessaloniki
11: 00-12: 00 30th High School of Thessaloniki
Title: Students from 12 Countries
11: 00-12: 00 Maria Stergiou
Title: Free… for children
12: 00-13: 00 Galileo Galilei – Hellenic College – ΟSD
Title: MasterChef in German for children Description: Learning about German cuisine.
13: 00-13: 30 ΑΡΣΙΣ Κ.Ο.Υ.Ν. Guesthouse for unaccompanied minors Grand Hotel Dentro
Title: Digital Hidden Treasure Game
13: 30-14: 30 Galileo Galilei – Hellenic College – ΟSD
Title: Experiential Workshop for children.
14: 30-15: 00 Children’s Museum of Thessaloniki
Title: Multiculturalism in the art of Thessaloniki
17: 00-17: 45 Finnish Association of Northern Greece
Title: Language Games in Finnish
17: 45-18: 15 Group of students of Preschool Education of the University of Thessaly
Title: The Multilingual Cinderella
18: 15-19: 15 Laboratory for the Study, Teaching, Dissemination of the Greek Language and Multilingualism of the University of Thessaly
Title: Let’s meet a multilingual orchestra!
19: 15-20: 15 Consulate of Serbia
Title: World War I
20: 15-21: 15 2nd High School of Eleftherio-Kordelio
Title: German Spring Interactive Celebration
Multilingual cafe in the Multilingual village
10: 00-11: 00 ARPEGGIO COINSEP
Title: Babylon Multilingual Games
11: 30-12: 30 Agency for Palestinian Language and Culture
Title: Making mediation between languages Description: A problem with mediation.
12: 30-13: 15 SPEAK Foreign Language Center
Title: Japanese Calligraphy Workshop
13: 15-14: 00 SPEAK Foreign Language Center
Title: Making Japanese bookmarks
17: 30-18: 15 INTERFACE Informal Multilingualism and Cultures Contact Group
Title: Talk about language
18: 30-19: 00 Greek-Azerbaijani Friendship Association ” QALA ”
Title: Multilingual tea
19: 00-21: 00 Greek Language School of the Municipality of Neapolis – Sykea
Title: Russian and Albanian – Treasure Hunt
Water Room
10: 00-10: 30 Municipality of Thessaloniki
Title: VET – Business Partnerships on Work-based learning
10: 30-11: 30 Program I care and I act / Desmos and Lambraki Foundation
Title: I care and I act
11: 30-12: 00 Mission of Georgia Title: Wine, soul of Georgia Description: Homeland of wine.
12: 00-12: 30 SPEAK Foreign Language Center
Title: Life in different parts of Italy
12: 00-12: 45 Elena Salpiggidou
Title: “Diversity as a wake-up call”
12: 45-13: 30 Greek Language Center
Title: Remote support of Greek language education
17: 00-17: 30 Consulate of Cyprus
Title: The Cypriot Dialect
17: 30-18: 30 Finnish Association of Northern Greece
Title: Inari Saami Revitalization
18: 30-19: 30 Action Art
Title: Multilingual Narrative Performance Description: Multilingual Narrative Performance.
19: 30-20: 00 Speak Foreign Language Center
Title: Travel presentation of Spain and culture
20: 00-20: 45 Second Tree
Title: Participation in meetings
20: 45-21: 30 Second Tree
Title: Presentation by Second Tree
21: 30-22: 00 Congo, The Congo community in Northern Greece
Title: Awareness of Congolese languages and dialects
City Council Hall
10: 15-12: 15 Source of Education
Title: 2nd Panhellenic Conference on Alternative Education
12: 15-14: 15 Source of Education
2nd Panhellenic Conference on Alternative Education
17: 00-18: 00 Pedagogical School of Ioannina
18: 15-19: 15 Serbian Community
Title: The Citizen’s table
Manolis Anagnostaki Hall
10: 00-11: 30 Egyptian Educational Center of Athens
Title: Withered Green
11: 30-13: 00 INTERFACE Informal Multilingualism and Cultures Contact Group
Title: Inclusive educational language policies
13: 00-14: 00 Euro-Balkan Youth Forum
Title: Talking to Children about Terrorism
14: 00-14: 30 Solidarity Now
Title: The language around the world
14: 30-15: 00 Solidarity Now
Title: “I accept diversity because …”
SUNDAY MAY 19, 2019
Outdoor amphitheater
17: 00-17: 30 Armenian Cultural Association “Hamaskain”
Title: Children’s dance from the Armenian school
17: 30-18: 00 Association of Albanian Immigrants “Mother Teresa” of Greece
Title: Student program of the Albanian School
18: 00-18: 30 Georgians of Thessaloniki / Thessaloniki Georgia
Title: Day of Georgian Culture
18: 30-19: 00 Georgians of Thessaloniki / Thessaloniki Georgia
Title: Popularization of Georgian language, literature and history Description: Popularization of Georgian language, literature and history.
19: 00-19: 15 Georgians of Thessaloniki / Thessaloniki Georgia
Title: Georgian Corners and Traditions
19: 15-19: 45 11th Primary School of Kalamaria
Title: Journey to the Mediterranean
19: 45-20: 15 Panhellenic Roma Women’s Association
Title: ΕΤΣΟ ΡΟ ΡΟΜΑ: The poor Roma Description: Music of the Roma Gypsies.
20: 15-20: 45 Armenian Cultural Association of Hamaskain
Title: In the rhythm of the Armenian and modern tradition
Foyer interior scene
09: 50-11: 30 Italian Educational Institute of Athens & Dante Alighieri Salonicco
Title: Screening of the Italian film “Perfetti Sconosciuti”
11: 30-12: 15 1st High School of Evosmos
Title: “Diversity unites us”
12: 15-12: 45 Union Hispano-Helena de Lengua y Culture
Title: Theatrical Performance starring children & Traditional Mexican Pirata
12: 45-13: 30 Panhellenic Roma Women’s Association
Title: Storytelling
13: 30-14: 30 1st Primary School of Trilofo
Title: Music-kinetic performance by the children of the 5th grade
17: 00-17: 15 Finnish Association of Northern Greece
Title: Zumba in Finnish
17: 15-17: 30 SPEAK Foreign Language Center
Title: Songs from Portugal
17: 30-18: 30 Galileo Galilei – Hellenic College – ΟSD
Title: It’s Snowtime
18: 30-18: 45 Speak Foreign Language Center
Title: Title: Dance performance of Korean music
18: 45-19: 00 Speak Foreign Language Center
Title: Interpretation of a Korean song
19: 00-19: 15 21st Kindergarten of Thessaloniki
Title: “If I change my neighborhood, I will make the world better”
19: 15-19: 45 Speak Foreign Language Center
Title: Song and dance from Korea
19: 45-20: 15 “Menemeni’s Smile”
Title: Songs and dance
Description: Songs (Russian, Ukrainian, Romanian, English, Italian)
20: 15-20: 45 7th GEL Thessaloniki
Title: Screening of the movie “Quero Βivir (I want to live)”
20: 45-21: 15 Maria Frangouli – Angelos Kourepis
Title: Music – Theatrical workshop for children of the world
21: 15-21: 45 Center Culturel d’Etterbeek, Yves Mosaics
Title: Greekerbeek Festival
10: 00-10: 45 Greek Language Center
Title: Click in Greek.
10: 45-11: 45 Galileo Galilei – Hellenic College – ΟSD
Title: Experiential Workshop. Austrian Painters
11: 45-12: 30 INTERFACE Informal Multilingualism and Cultures Contact Group
Title: Language & Experience – The city through the eyes of a refugee
12: 30-13: 00 IsraAID Hellas – Be A Robin
Title: Interlingual – space game for everyone
13: 00-14: 00 Galileo Galilei – Hellenic College – ΟSD
Title: MasteChef in French for children Description: Learning French cuisine.
17: 00-18: 00 INTERFACE Informal Multilingualism and Cultures Contact Group
Title: Interviews – Newspapers
18: 00-19: 00 Anahata Yoga Studio
Title: Yoga for children
18: 00-19: 00 Anastasios Valmas
Title: The boat he loved at Christmas
19: 00-20: 00 INTERFACE Informal Multilingualism and Cultures Contact Group
Title: The tree of wishes
20: 15-20: 45 Lampraki Foundation
Title: The Language of our New Planet
Multilingual cafe in the Multilingual village
10: 00-11: 00 ARPEGGIO COINSEP
Title: Babylon Multilingual Games
12: 30-13: 30 2nd High School of Mikra / 5th High School of Thessaloniki
Title: On s’amuse in French
17: 00-18: 00 Armenian Cultural Association “Hamaskain”
Title: Learning my language: Armenian
18: 00-19: 00 INTERFACE Informal Multilingualism and Cultures Contact Group
Title: Arabic, Chinese, African discussions
Water Room
11: 00-12: 00 Armenian Cultural Association “Hamaskain”
Title: The Armenian community discusses culture
12: 30-14: 30 StarClassic Radio
Title: Communication is creation
17: 00-17: 30 Panagiotis Tanimanidis, sculptor
Title: The passing
17: 45-18: 30 Elena Salpiggidou
Title: “Communication threat or communication opportunity?”
18: 30-19: 00 In TWO languages
Title: With 2 Languages: Benefits of balanced development of bilingualism
19: 00-19: 45 Panhellenic Roma Women’s Association
Title: Learning Romani
19: 45-20: 15 SPEAK Foreign Language Center
Title: Presentation on Korean language
20: 15-21: 15 Greek Language Center
Title: “In a foreign language our sorrow and our love pass”
21: 15-22: 00 3rd SDE Thessaloniki
Title: The magic language of fairy tales
City Council Hall
11: 00-13: 00 Municipality of Thessaloniki – 7th Festival of Multilingualism – Central discussion
Title: Open discussion on Social Inclusion issues
17: 00-18: 00 Municipality of Thessaloniki – 7th Multilingual Festival
Title: The language tree of the city
Title: Legal translation – Judicial Interpretation
19: 45-20: 45 Association of Albanian Immigrants “Mother Teresa” of Greece
Title: Integration and identity
Manolis Anagnostaki Hall
9: 00-11: 30 Italian Educational Institute of Athens & Dante Alighieri Salonicco
Title: Screening of the Italian film “Baaria”
11: 30-12: 30 5th Intercultural Public School of Menemeni Dendropotamos, 6th grade
Title: How need becomes history how history becomes silence
12: 30-12: 45 Intercultural School of Eleftherios Kordelios
Title: Children narrate a Greek-Russian collaboration – “Traveling with languages” Description: European program of cooperation between schools, songs of Greek-Russian friendship.
12: 45-13: 15 Intercultural School of Eleftherios Kordelios
Title: Comic sketches for the Greek mother
Description: Comic commentary on the culture of the concept of mother in Greek society.
13: 30-14: 30 Theatrical Group of the 43rd and 41st BoD. Thessaloniki
Title: Matias the First